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Layton Helpbox 4.4.0 SQL Injection

Posted on 26 October 2012

Layton Helpbox 4.4.0 Multiple SQL Injection Points by Joseph Sheridan Summary Layton Technologies Helpbox product version 4.4.0 is vulnerable to multiple SQL injection vulnerabilities. CVE number: CVE-2012-4971 Impact: High Vendor homepage: http://www.laytontechnology.com Vendor notified: 10/09/2012 Vendor response: This product has been replaced by 'ServiceDesk' but fixes may be available with valid support contracts. Credit: Joseph Sheridan of ReactionIS Affected Products Helpbox 4.4.0 Details The following pages and parameters were found to be vulnerable: editrequestenduser.asp (reqclass) editrequestuser.asp (sys_request_id) enduseractions.asp (sys_request_id) enduserreopenrequeststatus.asp (sys_request_id, confirm) enduserrequests.asp (searchsql, back, status) validateenduserlogin.asp (POST param:sys_userpwd) validateuserlogin.asp (POST param:sys_userpwd) editenduseruser.asp (sql) manageenduserrequestclasses.asp (sql) resetpwdenduser.asp (sql) disableloginenduser.asp (sql) deleteenduseruser.asp (sql) manageendusers.asp (sql) statsrequestagereport.asp (POST param:site) Impact An attacker may be able to take full control of the application database and execute arbitrary operating-system commands. Solution Layton advise upgrading to their newer 'ServiceDesk' product. However, if you have an active support contract, Layton may be able to provide fixes for you. About ReactionIS Reaction Information Security is a leading independent pen test consultancy specialising in delivering the highest quality security testing services including network pen testing and web application security testing. As a CESG CHECK Service Provider we are authorised to carry out penetration testing on classified government networks.