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bloofoxCMS 0.3.5 Cross Site Scripting

Posted on 01 November 2012

Information -------------------- Name : XSS Vulnerabilities in bloofoxCMS Software : bloofoxCMS 0.3.5 and possibly below. Vendor Homepage : http://www.bloofox.com Vulnerability Type : Cross-Site Scripting Severity : Critical Researcher : Canberk Bolat Advisory Reference : NS-12-015 Description -------------------- bloofoxCMS is a free open source content management system (CMS). bloofoxCMS is a small and easy to use CMS. It enables you to manage websites and intranet sites on a very simple way. It is slim but also flexible. Details -------------------- bloofoxCMS is affected by XSS vulnerabilities in version 0.3.5 http://example.com/index.php?'"--><script>alert(0x0004B3)</script> http://example.com/index.php?search='"--><script>alert(0x0004B3)</script> You can read the full article about Cross-Site Scripting from here: Cross-site Scripting (XSS) Solution -------------------- The vendor fixed this vulnerability in the new version. Please see the references. Advisory Timeline -------------------- 23/01/2011 - First contact 25/02/2012 - Vulnerability Fixed 31/10/2012 - Advisory released Credits -------------------- It has been discovered on testing of Netsparker, Web Application Security Scanner - http://www.mavitunasecurity.com/netsparker/. References -------------------- Vendor Url / Patch : http://www.bloofox.com/change_log.24.html MSL Advisory Link : http://www.mavitunasecurity.com/xss-vulnerabilities-in-bloofoxcms/ Netsparker Advisories : http://www.mavitunasecurity.com/netsparker-advisories/ About Netsparker -------------------- Netsparker® can find and report security issues such as SQL Injection and Cross-site Scripting (XSS) in all web applications regardless of the platform and the technology they are built on. Netsparker's unique detection and exploitation techniques allows it to be dead accurate in reporting hence it's the first and the only False Positive Free web application security scanner. -- Netsparker Advisories, <advisories@mavitunasecurity.com> Homepage, http://www.mavitunasecurity.com/netsparker-advisories/