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Hardening Apache

Published: 17 May 2004

Hardening Apache explains how to configure Apache safely, and secure an existing installation. It covers the most important issues--like downloading, logging, and administration, as well as the most important security-oriented web sites. This book even discusses advanced system administration techniques, such as jailing Apache and securing third-party modules, and web-related RFC details.

If you are already familiar with computer security, this book will help you gain specific knowledge about Apache. Already acquainted with the problems and issues discussed, you will sharpen your understanding about how normal configuration problems apply to Apache and HTTP.

Even if your knowledge about computer security is insubstantial, you will still gain broad insight on secure system administration. You will be able to apply this knowledge base towards other daemons--and will see how important it is to configure daemons securely.

Pages: 296
ISBN: 1590593782
ISBN-13: 978-1590593783
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